It has become abundantly clear that having your voice heard if you have a concern or complaint regarding the High Prairie project is difficult. As Ameren is now owning and operating the project, efforts to reach out to them have fallen on deaf ears. More so, Ameren has taken the approach of, "Hopefully, if we ignore them, they will go away."
We are not willing to let this slide. Throughout the "approval" process for this project, NO ONE made an effort to either protect that people that must live within it or give them an outlet to express their grievances, concerns or issues. We believe this was entirely intentional because if there is no formal process for people to file and/or log complaints, then Ameren can say there are no complaints. We know this is not true. This project has been affecting people in some way since construction began.
So, if you are willing, please fill out the form at this link:
Ameren needs to be held accountable for what they have done here.